Tag Archives: thriller

The Boy in the Suitcase

The Boy in the Suitcase by Lene Kaaberbol and Agnete Friis, narrated by Katherine Kellgren

Rating:  * * * *

Desperation permeates this fascinating, tense thriller that races between Lithuania and Denmark, following the path of a little boy found in a suitcase in Copenhagen.  Where does he come from, and how did he come to be in a suitcase in a train station?

Narrator Katherine Kellgren enhances the intensity of the presentation as she speeds up in tense moments and slows down as realization sets in.  She ably presents accents for each of the multitude of characters of various ethnic and monetary backgrounds.

Every character in this book is desperate:  the women desperately afraid and unhappy and frail, the men self-centered and short-sighted and insecure.  I hung on every word of the narration, rather desperate myself to hear the resolution, while also hoping reality does not include this much everyday despair.